Sunday, September 7, 2008

What Must We Do to Prepare Our Students for the 21st Century

So many things change each and every year. Technology seems to be changing even faster. Each new discovery in technology tries to make life easier than before. The problem with the rapid evolution of technology is that the younger generation of students is starting to fall behind. Teachers now have to take it upon themselves to personally be able to understand what is happening today in technology. If we, the teachers do not understand, how can we expect our students to learn it as well. It has become obvious that we need to start incorporating technology use into classrooms at a younger age. The advancement in technology is only going to continue to grow. With younger students having some kind of understanding of technology, it will give them an opportunity to fully comprehend it as they get older. Technology has been integrated into everyday aspects of life. Technology has the potential to enhance students' abilities and achievements. As teachers, we will always urge our students to be creative and original. Students will then begin to think of ways to be original. Technology will be the best option for many of them. There are so many ways to do something using technology, and the better understanding students have of this will allow them to get their creative juices flowing to their full potential. Preparation for the 21st century in terms of technology will most assuredly be needed. If we do not show the children how to do it now, this generation may be in for trouble.

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Gabcast! Jeff Shenker #2

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Using Technology in the Classroom

Using technology in the classroom has always been a unique experience. It allows students to get away from the dusty old text book and open their minds into something new and exciting. Although it make take awhile for students to becoma acclimated with the technology they are using, it usually is quite beneficial to them. It can make learning interesting and exciting. While technology is a great asset to the classroom, it can also be harmful. As we all know, technology does not always work the way we want it to; it sometimes gets us so mad that we want to break whatever we are using. Some people like using the good old textbook. No problems with those. Either way one looks at technology, most will admit that it does create a whole new way of learning.

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Gabcast! Jeff Shenker #1